Friday, April 6, 2012

Roast Beef again, so good it doesn't get tired

Lucky us! I had beef in mind for dinner and when I got to the meat counter there was a small angus sirloin tip roast marked down to clear.  To me that means it's aged a little longer to develop more flavor, so I snapped it up.

I mixed up more beef rub with fresh oregano that's finally growing again and coated the roast.  I seared all sides, inserted the meat thermometer, then put it in a 250º degree oven for about 1.5 hours. My garnishing kit arrived so I have crinkle cut the carrots.  I can do a little radish rose now so I'm on the way to prettier plates although this train hasn't quite reached that station.

Now I am confident I can produce a delicious roast every time. The only thing that bothers me about this method is the pan drippings are too salty to make into gravy. I'll probably try to do something about it with my next roast.

I bought 10lbs of yellow flesh potatoes to see if they have better flavor than russets.  I'd have to say "yes, a little, but not enough to justify the extra cost."

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