Friday, May 30, 2014

Sole with Lemon Sauce

I went to the store with some kind of fish in mind.  Save On Foods had some nice sole on special so I picked up a couple of small packs. While I was preparing the fish I realized that one of the sole fillets was in fact a snapper fillet. I quickly pulled all the bones out and prepared it the same way, salt, pepper and flour. I already had potatoes boiling and carrots steaming. I tore up a head of lettuce and sliced a third of an English cucumber into the salad bin. I diced up a tomato and readied the dressing.


1 tbsp olive oil
1-2 tsp white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 tsp dijon mustard

Whisk and toss.

I made a lemon sauce to go under the fish.  One teaspoon flour and two teaspoons olive oil in a sauce pan. Cook the flour taste off for a minute then remove from heat and add a tablespoon of stock, lemon juice and some water.  Back on the heat, add some salt and have a taste. Thin the sauce out with lemon juice, water and salt tasting as you go. 

I plated the sauce first and put the fish on top so it looked it's best. It was nice, almonds might have helped a bit but the toilet and sink are in the new bathroom, fully functional, so nothing could spoil my mood. Fern just mentioned that he liked the taste of snapper better than sole. That makes it easier to decide at the fish counter. A few short years ago I would have laughed if you asked me, "Does Fern have a favourite fish?"

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