Friday, April 15, 2016

Pork Dinner Sausage with Caramelized Onions, Cabbage, Turnip, Carrot and Crimini Mushrooms

I like cabbage, sometimes, so it's an occasional purchase. One was cut in half already so I bought half to go with the turnip I already had in the fridge. I've started buying Brian's pork dinner sausages at Mitchell's, he makes them in-store and they're very good and inexpensive. I also picked up some crimini mushrooms to add some earthy flavour to the dish. I started with the turnip, it takes an hour to cook so I set it going. I diced up the cabbage and put it in the steamer and set it over the turnip. For the turnips last twenty minutes I added a diced carrot to the pot. The onion I sliced thinly then caramelized and removed from the pan then the same for the sliced mushrooms. I fried the sausages to get a nice sear all round then let them cool. 

In the empty pan I put a big teaspoon of flour and enough butter to make a paste and cook the flour taste off. Once it's bubbled a bit, slowly add beef stock. I used up beef stock that was in the cupboard for a while. I probably put in two cups of stock. If you whisk the stock in slowly it shouldn't have lumps. Add a bay leaf.  Add the pre cooked ingredients back into the pan, cutting the sausage into pieces. I drained the turnip and carrot and added that and the steamed cabbage. Bring it to a simmer adding salt and pepper as needed. The pork sausage needs to be cooked in the centre so I let it simmer for a few minutes to also develop more flavour. I plated the stew with mashed potatoes.

It developed good flavour but in hindsight I think cabbage goes really well with a hint of liquorice flavour so I'll try that next time. Anise, star anise, caraway seed, fennel, dill and tarragon all have a version of this flavour so it should be easy to find something to try.

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