Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chicken Redemption

Eliot jumped out of my truck yesterday and seriously hurt himself. He tried to jump the 14" down from the open door but his 105 dog year old body just couldn't land it. Poor guy spent the day at the hospital getting x-rayed and examined. He only sprained a major ligament in his leg so he has trouble walking. No surgery though, fortunately. He's too old and might not survive an operation. So finding a key to better chicken was just what I needed.

I got started late and had to make everything so I boned chicken as fast as I could and got the rice on immediately. I put 1/2 tsp salt and 1/2 tsp poultry seasoning in the rice along with a tsp of olive oil. I used half water, half chicken stock in the rice.

I made fresh carrots together with frozen peas in the microwave. Seasoned with salt and black pepper in butter. 

The chicken. I seasoned it with salt and then some onion powder and finally poultry seasoning. I sprinkle flour over all and spray oil on it to brown nicely. I would have used garlic powder if I'd had some too but now I know that would be a mistake. The chicken was sweet from the onion which set off the poultry seasoning beautifully. Garlic powder would have ruined that. Once again, less is more.

The chicken was delicious as was the rice. I like peas and carrots so they were very satisfying. The salad was my usual vinaigrette 

1 tbsp olive oil
1-2 tsp white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
dot of dijon mustard

Whisk, toss and serve.

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