Sunday, January 4, 2015

Cajun Chicken on Lemon Cream Sauce

I coated the chicken with salt and Cajun seasoning. I bought bulk bin Cajun this time and it was perfectly fine. I fried and browned the breasts in a frying pan then put them in the oven at 325F for 30 minutes total cooking time.  The stuffing is Uncle Ben's traditional sage. It's easy, fast, tastes good and goes on sale for $.99 after holidays. I steamed the brussel's sprouts and finished them with olive oil.  The mushroom sauce was simple, I sliced up some mushrooms and fried them so they had a little sear. Then I took them from the pan and set them aside.  

I put 1/2 a teaspoon of flour in the pan and added a bit of butter to the pan and melted it into the flour. I took the pan off the heat and whisked in 1/2 cup of milk and light cream. I whisked the milk into the butter, then added a tablespoon of lemon juice.  I whisked in the lemon and it didn't curdle the sauce! A pinch of salt and I had a nice creamy, lemony sauce. I stirred the mushrooms back in and set it on low heat.


1 tbsp olive/walnut/canola oil  (I'm using up the walnut oil before it spoils)
2 tsp red wine vinegar
1/2 tsp salt

Whisk and toss the salad in it.

The creamy sauce cut the heat in the cajun spice and the lemony flavour lifted the whole plate. I liked it. Fern was less enthusiastic about a cream sauce, he doesn't like them. I'm not sure a restaurant would put lemon in a cream sauce but I liked it. Fern, not so much.

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