Sunday, January 18, 2015

Mustard Garlic Anise Pork Chop

I bought the chops at Mitchell's when I bought buns for lunch.  The 3 chops were under $6 and I usually pay $7 at Save On and get much more fat. I also bought a bag of snow peas on clearance, so I used them all. It steamed the carrot and peas together and finished them in olive oil. A yellow flesh potato, boiled, salted and buttered filled out the plate.

I didn't marinate the meat, instead I used an oil rub. I mixed a tablespoon of olive oil with 1/2 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp mustard powder, 1/2 tsp paprika, mixed pepper, 5 anise seeds crushed, finely diced garlic. Coat the chops in the oil and put in a hot frying pan. The garlic bits burned black so maybe mince them smaller or larger and keep them on the side. I didn't mind the tiny bitterness they leant. 


1 tbsp olive/canola oil
2 tsp white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp salt
mixed pepper

I had more iceberg lettuce that I tore up to fill out the small bag of salad I had left. I tossed it all in the vinaigrette and plated it.

Fern complained that he had too many peas. The suffering he goes through.

The chops were fantastic.

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