Saturday, September 6, 2014

Pork Souvlaki

I still can't season pork as well as Mitchell's souvlaki so I can't claim credit for the delicious tasting meat. I have tried the Gourmet Souvlaki products from Safeway and Save On Foods and  The rice and veggies are mine though! The basmati rice was cooked with two teaspoons of olive oil, salt and a splash of lemon juice. A few drops will provide acid that brings out the flavour of the rice without making it taste of lemon.

The vegetables were carrots and bok choy. I did get the soy sauce out but remembered my last foray into Greek/Chinese fusion cooking and quickly put the soy sauce away. I par cooked the carrots in the microwave then drained them. I put some olive oil and a little sesame oil in the pan and added celery seeds, followed not quite quickly enough  by the carrots and bok choy.  The seeds seemed to burn off in a few seconds and didn't add significantly to the flavour. Next time I'll put the seeds on the vegetables in the pan. I also added a little salt and pepper. The sesame oil didn't clash with the cooked olive oil flavour but they didn't enhance each other either so next time keep the sesame oil and soy sauce in the cupboard unless I'm making Asian style food.

I BBQ'd the pork till it was firm. It doesn't have to be burnt black, just cooked till it's firm and it's cooked through. Bok choy works in this meal but it needs different seasoning than it usually receives. It's a good winter vegetable so I'm going to experiment with it some more. Fern gets tired of broccoli pretty fast and frozen vegetables just don't cut it anymore.

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