Monday, June 11, 2012

Southwest Curried Snapper

It was time for fish again and snapper was on sale so I bought 2 small fillets. I picked up an orange pepper to sweeten the curry and a couple of tomatoes I didn't need. First off get that whole grain rice cooking in half chicken stock half water with a dash of salt and a bit of oil. Dice an onion and get it browning for the curry.  Take the bones out of the fillets and season them with Southwest Spice Rub.

I diced up 4 small tomatoes but 2 would have been plenty.  I only used a quarter of the pepper.  When the onions were golden I stirred in a tablespoon of curry powder and a pinch of cayenne. Cook it a moment then add a little chicken stock and the orange pepper. When that had sweated I added the tomatoes.

The frying pan was hot so I dropped in the fillets.  I watch the texture of the fish change as it cooks and turn it when the middle of the thickest part is done. It doesn't take long for small snapper fillets.  I plated the rice, then the fish and the curry over top.  Steamed broccoli on the side.  Simple, tasty and different.

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