Saturday, November 1, 2014

Turkey a la King with fresh bread

I had to use up the turkey or lose it so I made a la King on egg noodles.  To go with the meal I also made a baguette. It was all awfully simple. I started with the bread.  1 cup flour, 1 tbsp wheat gluten, 1/2 tsp yeast, pinch of salt, 1/4 cup water.

Sift the dry ingredients then slowly add some water and mix with a fork. Only add enough water for the dough to start clinging together with a little flour loose in the bowl. It will look like it needs more water but it doesn't.  Start kneading the dough. Push, stretch, fold, turn, repeat. Work the dough until it softens. If the dough is tough the bread will be tough. I let the dough rise for an hour or so and put it in a 450F oven turned down to 400F for 30 minutes. 

I sliced up several mushrooms and gave them a sear. Then I added a diced onion, celery, 2 small green peppers from the garden and a red pepper I bought. I sliced and microwaved a carrot and added that in. Once the vegetables were softened I added the turkey cubed up. A dash of chicken stock and white wine, a teaspoon or two of salt, 1/4 tsp poultry seasoning, pinch of nutmeg, mixed pepper corns freshly ground. Milk to cover the bottom and some cream to give it richness. The amounts depend on how much food is in the pot. Don't cover the food with milk and cream because it will never cook down and thicken. I probably used a cup of milk and half a cup of cream to give an idea.

I sprinkled a little Instant Blending Flour over the pot and stirred it in. I cooked down and added more flour till I had a nice thick sauce. The flour had to be cooked for about 10 minutes, so don't add it just before serving. Raw flour is really awful. There is no liquid pooling on the plate so the sauce is quite thick. Plate over egg noodles with a piece of bread.  

Fern loved this and he doesn't like cream sauces. 

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