Saturday, October 18, 2014

Outstanding Chili

Fern said this is the best chili he's ever tasted, which isn't all that many. He was a waiter in an upscale restaurant and he does know good food when he tastes it, so his opinion counts. Cheese bread from Mitchell's which I tried to reheat in foil. I had the oven not warm enough and not long enough so all I got was the butter melted, but it turned out to be enough. The chili was served with grated cheddar on top which I already mixed in before the photo. 


2 onions diced
2 carrots diced
1 celery stick diced
1 jalapeƱo seeded diced
1 green pepper seeded diced - I used two small of different types from the garden
 3 cloves garlic - crushed diced
500gm Johnsonville Hot Italian Sausage meat
1 kg lean ground beef
3 cups pinto, white and red kidney beans - pinto beans are really good!
1 tsp salt at least - add more to taste
1/2 tsp black pepper
1/2 cup beef stock
1/4 tsp ground savoury
1 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tsp dried basil
1 400ml can Hunt's Tomato Sauce
1 500ml can homemade stewed tomatoes
2 150ml can tomato paste
1/4 cup frozen corn
water to cover the beans

Rinse beans and cover with fresh water. Bring to a boil and simmer 1.5 hours. Adding water to keep the beans just covered. Add 1/2 tsp salt and simmer 1.5 hours more. Drain beans and reserve liquid. If good quality beans were used the liquid will taste good. Sweat all the vegetables, then salt and brown the meat. Add all the ingredients, which will make it very thick so add some bean liquid but don't make it watery. Add more liquid as needed. Fern's first comment when he looked in the pot was "How did you get it so thick?"
That's how.

It simmered for half an hour before we ate. It was really good chili and it turns out there is a pot luck dinner next door tonight that I forgot about.

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