Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Chicken with Mushroom White Wine Sauce

I had mushrooms in the fridge so it was easy to decide on how to cook the chicken.  It had to have a mushroom white wine sauce. It was getting late so I made rice and only one vegetable.  I put olive oil in the rice for flavour and the broccoli was steamed just till it was dark green then run under cold water. A few minutes before everything would be ready I put the vegetables back on the stove in the pot with olive oil to reheat and cook the oil.

The chicken was seasoned with salt, mixed pepper, paprika and then coated with flour to brown. I fried it on the stove to brown each side then put it in a 375ºF oven for 25 minutes.  The mushrooms were fried in the sauce pan in oil and butter.  When they had a sear I took them from the pan.  A pad of butter and a heaping teaspoon of flour in the pan.  I cooked the flour for  a minute then added a splash of chicken stock, followed by an ounce of milk and half a cup to one cup white wine. I cooked that down and tasted it. The oak in the Chardonnay clashed with the milk producing an unpleasant flavour. It was an unpleasant bitterness so I  added 1/4 teaspoon sugar to the sauce and tasted it.  That hid the bitter flavour but it didn't taste good year. I added salt, pepper and paprika and tasted again. It was getting better. I let it cook some more while I finished everything else.


2 tbsp oil 
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
dot of dijon mustard

Whisk and toss the salad in it.  

I tasted the sauce one more time and it had developed a nice flavour so I plated it and put the chicken on top.  Fern really liked the sauce so I think I really lucked out this time.  I'll have to remember that, no milk in oaked white wines. Maybe the bitter taste will always cook off but I'd hate to count on that and have it fail to occur. In any case, it was a great meal we both enjoyed.

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